
That't the way it goes....

So, Friday night Mike and I wanted to enjoy an evening out. Bobi and Rich said they would watch the kids so we started getting the kids ready to go. Now that we have 3 kids this can be quit the task even for just an evening out. We got everyone in the van and I went in and out of the house 2 or 3 times for those last minute forgotten things and then we were finally on our way. About 10 minutes down the road Hyrum tells me that Julia has something on her hands. At about the same time I think to myself, Does it smell like throw-up in here? I turn around to look at Julia and sure enough , she has thrown -up all over herself. We tell the boys we will have to go home since Julia's sick and they cry because they don't understand why we still can't go to Grandma's house with their sister covered in barf. Anyway, Mike and I look at each other and I know we are both thinking the same thing, Stinkin' Kids!!! They sure have a way of ruining your best plans. This experience made me even more excited for my trip to Rexburg next week- ALONE!!! Mike will either be super dad of the year or in prison for doing the unthinkable by the time I get home. Thank you for being brave enough to give me a vacation honey, love ya!


Kara said...

He did it!!!They all survived (even if Julia's hair did not get done for a few days).I'm glad your trip went well and that you had a good report from Mike and the kids.

The Bruton Bunch said...

There's nothing like barfing in the car!!!!!