

Just a few thoughts as I start a new year. I think it's crazy that last year I got healthy, lost some weight and it wasn't even a new years resolution! I just finally made up my mind to do it! I still have a few pounds to loose but it feels great to not be starting the year out with the same old resolution to loose weight! So, what resolutions did I make then? Well, first off I have decided to read the Bible. The Book of Mormon has been my focus for years now but during October General Conference I really felt inspired to add the Bible to my studies. I started this week and I am enjoying it! Next I started a family journal . I call it our Family Home Evening journal. Each week at family night we will take turns jotting down what out lesson was about , the fun game we played and include any family news like school awards, piano recitals or birthdays etc. I look at this as an easy way to keep our history one week at a time. I also look forward to each of us contributing to it. I have a feeling it is going to be a great year!

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